We are the first Homo sapiens Universalis. We are making the second revolution of Mankind: the global revolution.
The barrier we now all face is political. We remain totally fragmented and disjointed.
If we are now global at least economically and connected through the Internet, all the laws are local and borders still rule everything else.
Our nations can take us backwards. They cannot unify our policies and resources to find a resolution to our ecologic Great Wall.
The US has led the free-world and economic globalization, in particular since 1991, with the end of the USSR and China joining capitalism.
After Donald Trump’s isolationist policy and now the aftermath of Coronavirus, our fragile world order is hitting a wall. The world has lost its pacemaker. Nationalism is back.
The good news is that the USA now have a new President, Joe Biden. It is potentially a sea level change.
We have an historic chance to make Earth great again, and to act again altogether for a more united world – a global brotherhood.
We want to share with you the vision a global democratic federation. Our manifesto is making the case for unity, and then paints the program of the first global government. It demonstrates what a huge difference the United Democratic States could make to sustain our common future.
We need a leader for this cause – the greatest cause ever, and have a dream. What if Barack Obama was becoming the advocate of the global institutional changes that we need?
What if he was to leverage his global stature to rally all democracies of the world around a common cause – a positive vision for Earth?
Please read the manifesto, you won’t regret your curiosity.